A letter to younger me

Hey there, you beautiful human being.

You were not born into this world alone,

Not to mention, with you, took birth – dreams, hopes and ambitions of your own.

The world will bestow upon you, both good and bad,

And you must learn to balance them both, as your father had.

Do what YOU think is right for you,

For you should not let the world decide for you.

As the time passes, you’ll make mistakes, some very stupid and silly,

But you must learn to face them and make amends, wisely and slowly.

To others, Don’t you dare compare yourself,

For you are unique and should be better than the last version of your own self.

Let fear not take over you in achieving your dreams, ever

For you must try, over and over.

And Don’t you worry about failing,

after all, only failures will give your success, a true meaning.

Be patient, and let time and your hard work take its course.

Remember, there will be days too rough,

But you have to give a fight tough, a fight tough!

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Kripal says:

    Superrbbbb. 🥳


    1. Purvashree Waldey says:

      Thank you so much.


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